Industrial steam boiler use requirements

In order to ensure safe and smooth operation of industrial steam boilers during use, we need to know the following:

1. Before the industrial steam boiler is fired, it should be checked whether the water pipes, steam pipes, pressure gauges, safety valves, water level gauges, drain valves, etc. of each valve are in good condition.

2. The steam boiler should be softened and kept clean and not allowed to contain grease.

3. A solid protective cover should be installed outside the glass tube of the water level gauge, and the outside should be kept clean. Each shift should be flushed to see if the water level in the water gauge can rise or fall rapidly. If there is water surface in the water level table that does not jump when running, the cause should be immediately identified to prevent the formation of a false water level.

4. The safety valve on the industrial steam boiler shall not be adjusted arbitrarily. When the pressure gauge reaches 80% of the permissible working pressure, the safety valve should be vented once. Do not connect or embed the valve stem.

5. After the steam boiler is boosted, check whether the steam valve is sensitive, and always pay attention to the water level to keep it at the position of the water level table 2/3.

6. When an industrial steam boiler is found to have one of the following conditions, it should be urgently shut down:

(1) The air pressure rises rapidly above the permissible working pressure. Although the safety valve is already open, the air pressure continues to rise;

(2) The water level is not visible in the water level gauge or the water level in the water level table drops rapidly, although the water supply continues to decline;

(3) One of the accessories such as pressure gauge, water level gauge, safety valve, sewage valve and water supply, etc.

(4) Burning red deformation of the furnace or other pipes, as well as serious water leakage and air leakage.

7. When emergency shutdown, first stop burning, close the damper, open the furnace door and vent valve. If there is a water shortage accident, it is forbidden to add water to the furnace immediately.

In short, many details are closely related to the operation of the furnace workers. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a sound operating system and specifications, correct and professional operation.